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The Satisfied

To download follow these directions: (for windows)

1) Right click on which ever song you want to download

2) Click on Save Link as...

3) Type in the name of whatever song you just got

4) Click save

5) Hit file explorer

6) Double tap the song you got from where you saved it on your computer

7) And enjoy!!!

May I Suggest

Go Halloween

I Want to Hold Your Hand LIVE NC

Hey Jude LIVE NC

Back in the USSR LIVE NC

Come Together LIVE NC

With a Little Help From My Friends

Summertime Forever CLC

Elohai CLC

Adamah V'shamayim CLC

Ufaratzta CLC

Sweet as Honey CLC

Mi Chamocha (Redemption Song) CLC

Hashkiveinu CLC

Yih'yu L'ratzon / Only a Matter of Time

Al Sh'losha D'varim CLC

One Day CLC

Shavua Tov (Twisted Candle) CLC

Crane Lake Camp Alma Mater

Loud Amps

Fighting the Fraud with Frying Pans

I Shagged a Hippo and I Liked It

How Much Do I Like Phones

Thats What Makes You Funny

When Your Life is Full of Smelly Feet and Murders